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Banlist invoker

Generate Local ipfilter.dat

PBH can generate an ipfilter.dat file for other downloaders while banning IPs.

# 封禁列表处理
# PBH 能够除了调用 BT 客户端的封禁 API 外,还能够进行如下操作,以便适配更多其它客户端
# Banlist invoker
# PBH can generate banlist file or execute commands when banning/unbanning peers.
# 生成 ipfilter.dat 文件
# Generate ipfilter.dat file
enabled: false

An example of the generated file content is as follows:,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-ebf4c937-e66a-473f-ae1b-e7e9ca673604,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-ac76b59a-bf95-44ab-8202-449423ff8623,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-9ae674c6-b686-48cc-b538-836984e738bd,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-d0d40333-8b2f-468c-a968-f9ec47e6f124,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-544cfec0-0761-4faf-848a-8459c2540082,90,[L1]PBH Generated Rule-9335b44e-e7e7-47c2-8062-72aadea0127d

Execute System Commands

When banning/unbanning/clearing the banlist, PBH can execute a series of system commands. You can use this feature to manipulate the system firewall.


Commands will be executed with the same permissions as the current user of PBH.

The default example configuration uses ipset and iptables to ban IP addresses on the system firewall.

# 封禁列表处理
# PBH 能够除了调用 BT 客户端的封禁 API 外,还能够进行如下操作,以便适配更多其它客户端
# Banlist invoker
# PBH can generate banlist file or execute commands when banning/unbanning peers.
# 执行指定的系统命令
# 所有的可用占位符都会被注册到执行的命令的进程环境变量中
# 如果您的命令没有读取环境变量的能力,则也可以使用 {%占位符名%},这样 PBH 会在执行前替换命令中的占位符,但请注意转义问题
# 可用占位符列表:
# Generate specific system command
# All available placeholders will injected into system env variable, you can use them like in shell
# If your command cannot parse system env variable, you also can use '{%PLACEHOLDER_NAME%}', so PBH will replace it to the placeholder.
# Full list:
#peer.ip - 对等体 IP 地址 - Peer IP Address
#peer.port - 对等体端口 - Peer port
#meta.context - 封禁模块上下文 - BanModule context
#meta.description - 封禁描述 - Ban description
#meta.banAt - 封禁时间 - Ban At
#meta.unbanAt - 解封时间 - Unban At - PeerID
#meta.peer.clientName - UserAgent 客户端名称字符串 - Client Name
#meta.peer.uploaded - 总上传量 - Uploaded
#meta.peer.downloaded - 总下载量 - Downloaded
#meta.peer.progress - 客户端进度 - Peer Progress - Torrent ID - Torrent 名称 - Torrent Name
#meta.torrent.hash - Torrent 的 Info Hash - InfoHash (preferred) of Torrent
#meta.torrent.size - Torrent 大小 - Torrent size
enabled: false
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset destroy peerbanhelper-blocklist'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset create peerbanhelper-blocklist hash:ip'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set peerbanhelper-blocklist src -j DROP'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'iptables -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set peerbanhelper-blocklist dst -j DROP'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset add peerbanhelper-blocklist ${peer.ip}'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset remove peerbanhelper-blocklist ${peer.ip}'"

Configuration File

# 封禁列表处理
# PBH 能够除了调用 BT 客户端的封禁 API 外,还能够进行如下操作,以便适配更多其它客户端
# Banlist invoker
# PBH can generate banlist file or execute commands when banning/unbanning peers.
# 生成 ipfilter.dat 文件
# Generate ipfilter.dat file
enabled: false
# 执行指定的系统命令
# 所有的可用占位符都会被注册到执行的命令的进程环境变量中
# 如果您的命令没有读取环境变量的能力,则也可以使用 {%占位符名%},这样 PBH 会在执行前替换命令中的占位符,但请注意转义问题
# 可用占位符列表:
# Generate specific system command
# All available placeholders will injected into system env variable, you can use them like in shell
# If your command cannot parse system env variable, you also can use '{%PLACEHOLDER_NAME%}', so PBH will replace it to the placeholder.
# Full list:
#peer.ip - 对等体 IP 地址 - Peer IP Address
#peer.port - 对等体端口 - Peer port
#meta.context - 封禁模块上下文 - BanModule context
#meta.description - 封禁描述 - Ban description
#meta.banAt - 封禁时间 - Ban At
#meta.unbanAt - 解封时间 - Unban At - PeerID
#meta.peer.clientName - UserAgent 客户端名称字符串 - Client Name
#meta.peer.uploaded - 总上传量 - Uploaded
#meta.peer.downloaded - 总下载量 - Downloaded
#meta.peer.progress - 客户端进度 - Peer Progress - Torrent ID - Torrent 名称 - Torrent Name
#meta.torrent.hash - Torrent 的 Info Hash - InfoHash (preferred) of Torrent
#meta.torrent.size - Torrent 大小 - Torrent size
enabled: false
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset destroy peerbanhelper-blocklist'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset create peerbanhelper-blocklist hash:ip'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set peerbanhelper-blocklist src -j DROP'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'iptables -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set peerbanhelper-blocklist dst -j DROP'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset add peerbanhelper-blocklist ${peer.ip}'"
- "/bin/sh -c 'ipset remove peerbanhelper-blocklist ${peer.ip}'"