📄️ Active Monitoring
Some of the statistical features provided by PBH require this module to be enabled.
📄️ Automatic Range Ban
Due to the latency of the Progress Checker, some traffic from the IP is already leached before the user bans it. This feature is designed to help users stop losses in a timely manner.
📄️ BTN Cloud Rules
Use cloud rules from the BTN network. You need to configure PBH to connect to BTN in advance.
📄️ ClientName Filter
The ClientName filter uses the ClientName actively reported by the Peer (sometimes called "client name" or "UserAgent") for detection. It is recommended to prioritize using the built-in ClientName filtering functionality of clients with an embedded PeerID filter (e.g., qBittorrent Enhanced Edition).
📄️ AviatorScript Engine
PeerBanHelper allows users to load AviatorScript user scripts.
📄️ Subscription Rules
One of the important modules of PeerBanHelper, it subscribes to rules from PBH-BTN/BTN-Collected-Rules by default.
📄️ IP Blocking
Since PeerBanHelper implements Peer blocking by operating the downloader's IP blacklist, your IP blacklist will undoubtedly be overridden by PeerBanHelper. Therefore, PeerBanHelper has a built-in separate IP blacklist feature.
📄️ Multi-Dialing Blocker
Some malicious users acquire a large number of IP addresses from the same subnet by using multi-dialing or similar methods.
📄️ PeerID Filter
The PeerID filter detects using the PeerID actively reported by the Peer. For clients with a built-in PeerID filter (e.g., qBittorrent Enhanced Edition), it is recommended to use their built-in PeerID filtering feature first.
📄️ Progress Checker
The Progress Checker (ProgressCheatBlocker) (sometimes referred to as PCB or heuristic detection algorithm) is a heuristic anti-leech detection algorithm based on download progress created by PeerBanHelper.
📄️ DNS Reverse Lookup
This is a PTR reverse lookup record, not a reverse domain name lookup. This feature resolves hostnames rather than domains in a general sense.